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Article: Natural/Home remedies for calcium deficiency

Natural/Home remedies for calcium deficiency

What is Calcium?

A silver-white bivalent metallic element that is an alkaline earth metal, occurs only in combination, and is an essential constituent of most plants and animals.

Calcium in the body strengthens the bones and teeth, and it is also useful for the proper functioning of the nerves and muscles. It also helps to lower cholesterol and prevent Osteoporosis.

There are several causes for Premenstrual syndrome, and some studies show that one of the causes is calcium deficiency. However, more research is required in this area. I believe there must be some relation between the menstrual cycle and calcium because it is observed that providing calcium to menopausal women relieves symptoms to some extent. This is an area for research.

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms:

In calcium deficiency, the following symptoms occur: Joint pain, rickets in children, muscle cramps, back pain, brittle bones; fractures may also occur due to calcium deficiency.

Remedies for Calcium Deficiency

  • Restrict the intake of tea and coffee as they promote the excretion of calcium.
  • Avoid the intake of chocolates as they contain oxalates.
  • Nachani pith (Ragi powder) is the richest source of calcium. It is a cereal.
  • Consume 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum) daily with water. Avoid smoking.
  • Drink orange juice.
  • Increase the intake of fish (mackerels), cod liver oil.
  • The pharmacopeia product "Lakshadi-Guggulu" is advisable to treat calcium deficiency.
  • Drink Amla (Indian gooseberry) juice daily or take 1 teaspoon of Amla powder twice daily with water as Amla is a rich source of iron and calcium. If Amla powder is not available, take the Amla Herbal supplement. The pharmacopoeial Ayurvedic Medicine, Chyawanprash, is also advisable as Amla is the main ingredient of Chyawanprash. It is available in Indian stores.
  • Protein-rich herbs like oats, red clover may provide calcium.
  • Eat yogurt, milk. Include leafy vegetables in your diet, curd, paneer as they are rich in calcium.
  • Include soya flour, soya milk, tofu in your food items as they all are a source of calcium.
  • Sunbathe in the morning hours is advisable.
  • Eat broccoli, dried figs, and almonds.
  • Avoid fat-rich food as it hinders the absorption of calcium in the body. Drink barley grass juice. If you are pregnant, then don't take it. Do not take it in celiac disease also.
  • Pharmacopoeial Ayurvedic Products, Shankha (Conch) Bhasma, Mukta (pearl) pishti/Muktashakti pishti, Mukta bhasma (pearl), Prawal (coral) pishti/bhasma should be taken in proper doses to treat calcium deficiency.

(These Bhasmas/pishtis should be prepared as per the method given in ancient Ayurvedic Texts and should pass all the parameters given in Ayurvedic texts). If the aforementioned is not available, then take the herbal supplement containing all these bhasmas and pishtis.

  • Spirulina with black pepper and Indian gooseberry is also advisable.
  • The mixture of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Amla (Indian gooseberry), and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 3, 2, 1 parts respectively is advisable. Take the herbal supplement containing all these three herbs if the herbs are not directly available.

Take all the aforementioned food sources/remedies with the consultation of a Doctor.

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