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Men's Wellness

Infertility in Men | Infertility Treatment | Infertility Supplements
Sexual Health

11 mins read

Infertility in Men | Infertility Treatment | Infertility Supplements

Infertility in Men Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Published: January 30 2024 Infertility refers to the inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. This often caus...

Sexual Health
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) | Impotence Treatment | ED Supplements
Sexual Health

12 mins read

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) | Impotence Treatment | ED Supplements

Erectile Dysfunction Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Published: January 1, 2024 Author: Dr. Veena Erectile dysfunction (ED) refers to the inability of men to attain and maintain an erect penis with su...

Sexual Health
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia | Prostate Enlargement | Painful Urination
Sexual Health

9 mins read

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia | Prostate Enlargement | Painful Urination

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Published: January 28, 2024 Prostate Enlargement is the most common problem in males over 60. Prostate Gland: A firm, partly muscular, partly...

Sexual Health
Oligospermia | Low Sperm Count | Oligospermia Supplements
Sexual Health

10 mins read

Oligospermia | Low Sperm Count | Oligospermia Supplements

Oligospermia  Published: January 27, 2024 Oligospermia refers to semen with a low concentration of sperm and is a common finding in male infertility. Often, semen with a decreased sperm conc...

Sexual Health

Skin and Hair Health

Switra Disease Treatment | Vitiligo Treatment | Leucoderma Treatment
Skin Health

10 mins read

Switra Disease Treatment | Vitiligo Treatment | Leucoderma Treatment

Switra (Vitiligo/Leucoderma): Treatment and Cure by Ayurveda Reviewed By: Dr. Imlikumba Published: April 4, 2024 This article was published in the Nagaland Post on May 30, 2017. Introduction to...

Skin Health
Khalitya (Hair Fall) | Hair Fall Supplements | Hair Fall Treatment
Hair Health

9 mins read

Khalitya (Hair Fall) | Hair Fall Supplements | Hair Fall Treatment

Khalitya (Hair Fall) and New Therapy Reviewed By: Vd. Aparna Narayan Kekan, P.G. Scholar (Kriya Sharir) Prof. Dr. Kalpana D. Sathe, H.O.D. Kriya Sharir Dept. Published: April 3, 2024 Introducti...

Hair Health
Kesha (Hair) | Hair Care Products | Hair Fall Treatment
Hair Health

8 mins read

Kesha (Hair) | Hair Care Products | Hair Fall Treatment

Study of Kesha (Hair) in Different Doshaj – Prakriti Reviewed By: Dr. Amod Kumar Mishra (P.G. Scholar) Prof. Dr. C.S. Suryawanshi, Guide Prof. Dr. S.G. Kulkarni, H.O.D. Published: April 1, 2024 ...

Hair Health
Acne | Acne Supplements |  Acne Treatment
Skin Health

8 mins read

Acne | Acne Supplements | Acne Treatment

Acne  Reviewed By: Dr.Veena Rao Published: March 24 2024 Acne is a skin disorder caused by the inflammation of skin glands and hair follicles, commonly found in adolescents. It manifests as pi...

Skin Health

Immunity Support

Cough Treatment  | Lung Health | Cough Relief Supplements
General Wellness

10 mins read

Cough Treatment | Lung Health | Cough Relief Supplements

Cough Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Deo Published: April 5, 2024 Cough: An ailment characterized by frequent coughing, an explosive expulsion of air from the lungs that acts as a protective mechanism ...

General Wellness
Boost Metabolism Naturally with Food and Ayurvedic Practices  | Cureveda

Boost Metabolism Naturally with Food and Ayurvedic Practices | Cureveda

Top Ayurvedic Practices and Superfoods for Boosting Metabolism Naturally Reviewed By: Dr. Shailesh Phalle Published: April 3, 2024 In this era of health consciousness, a significant number of p...

Fitness & Weight Managemnet
Unlocking the Incredible Health Benefits of Guggul: A Comprehensive Guide to Ayurvedic Wellness

Unlocking the Incredible Health Benefits of Guggul: A Comprehensive Guide to Ayurvedic Wellness

Unlocking the Incredible Health Benefits of Guggul: A Comprehensive Guide to Ayurvedic Wellness Nestled in the heart of the Indian subcontinent, Guggul, scientifically known as Commiphora Mukul (Wi...

Fitness & Weight Managemnet
Vitamins A, B, E, D, C and K | Vitamin Supplements

9 mins read

Vitamins A, B, E, D, C and K | Vitamin Supplements

Vitamins  Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Published: March 6, 2024 Vitamins: Vitamins are organic substances essential for certain metabolic pathways. They are categorized into fat-soluble vitamins (A, ...

Women's Wellness

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome | Hormonal Imbalance | Irregular Periods
Hormonal Imbalance

7 mins read

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome | Hormonal Imbalance | Irregular Periods

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Ayurvedic Physician Published: March 6, 2024 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a variable disorder, marked especially by amenorrhea, hirsu...

Hormonal Imbalance
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) | Painful Urination in Women
Sexual Health

6 mins read

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) | Painful Urination in Women

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease  Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Deo Published: March 5, 2024 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) refers to the inflammation of the female reproductive tract, especially the fa...

Sexual Health
Dysmenorrhea - Painful Periods | Menstrual Cramps | Lower Abdominal Pain
Hormonal Imbalance

11 mins read

Dysmenorrhea - Painful Periods | Menstrual Cramps | Lower Abdominal Pain

Dysmenorrhea  Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Deo Published: March 2, 2024 Dysmenorrhea: Painful Menstruation. It is a very common problem observed in women due to forceful contraction of the uterus. D...

Hormonal Imbalance
Amenorrhea | Delay in Menstrual Period | Premature Menopause
Hormonal Imbalance

9 mins read

Amenorrhea | Delay in Menstrual Period | Premature Menopause

Amenorrhea  Reviewed By: Dr. Veena Deo Published: March 1, 2024 Abnormal absence or suppression of menstruation. Amenorrhea is a symptom of the absence of menses. This is not a disease but a sy...

Hormonal Imbalance