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Article: Women Infertility | Irregular Menstrual Periods | Infertility Treatment

Infertility in Women 

Reviewed By: Dr. Veena

Published: March 3, 2024

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive after one year of regular sexual attempts without contraception, leading to concern for a baby. Sterility denotes the absolute inability to conceive, while infertility implies a relative failure to conceive.

The condition of repeated abortions without having any successful pregnancy is induced by infertility. 

It is of two types. 1) Primary and 2) Secondary.   

Primary –In this condition conception has never occurred.

Secondary –In this condition conception fails to occur after a period of Infertility.

Infertility affects around 1 to 7 couples of Reproductive age. This thing often causes substantial psychological distress. In an Indian couple, this emotional stress develops more in the wife because of her strong maternal feelings. Indian social taboo always blames women for such situations and the husband does not like to give her company to go to Doctor. But remember that investigations of Husbands are also required for this.

When there is a failure to achieve pregnancy in couples, then in 30% of them, the female has infertility problems and in 39% of them, the male has infertility problems. This is in contrast to the popular belief that in all cases it is the female alone who is responsible for a lack of conception.

Causes of Infertility in Women:


1. Ovulatory Dysfunction: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism  is associated with high levels of gonadotropins),  

Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is a form of hypogonadism, that is due to a problem with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.).

To understand the above meaning see the meaning of Gonad - an organ that produces gametes; a testis or an ovary.


2. Tubular Dysfunction: PID ( Pelvic inflammatory Disease), Previous sterilization, abdominal surgery, endometriosis (the presence  and growth  of functioning endometrial tissues in place other than the uterus that often results in severe pain and infertility)


3. Uterine Dysfunction: Fibroid, Treatment for cervical carcinoma, congenital abnormalities, Asherman's syndrome ( It is a rare condition. It occurs in women who have had several dilatation and curettage procedures. A severe pelvic infection unrelated to surgery may also lead to Asherman syndrome. Intrauterine adhesions can also form after infection with tuberculosis.) , Obesity, smoking, intake of tobacco, mental disharmony in the couple, fear of having sex, amenorrhea, hypothyroidism, intake of antiepileptic and antipsychotic drugs, skipping menses, lack of libido, infrequent sex due to some reasons, premature menopause.  


4. Vaginal Issues: Factors such as a tender hymen, narrow vaginal introitus, and damaged fallopian tubes due to infection.


Herbs Useful in Treating Infertility: Black Cohosh, Chaste Berry, Damiana Leaves, Dong Quai, Evening Primrose Oil, Fennel, Flaxseed Oil, LemonBalm, Licorice, Nettles, OatStraw, Red Clover, Red Raspberry, Rose Hips, Skullcap, Wild Yam  

Ref:  this is the list of herbs the Health Condition gave to treat Infertility. – Herbs List – A Guide To Medicinal Herb.

Bryonopsis – laciniosa (Shivlingi-seeds) seeds are powdered and given to women to help conception. The root is also used for the same purpose.

(Bull RRL, Jammu, 1963, 1, 126; Econ Bot, 1965, 19, 242, ibid, 1971,25, 422)

Women of the Lakha tribe of Porbandar, Gujrat, use it to promote fertility. They take 10-12 seeds of Shivlingi with ripe bananas immediately after menstruation. Indian practitioners add the seeds of Shivlingi to other herbs for sexual inadequacies.

Symplocos racemosa: - Useful in vaginal diseases and menstrual disorders. It acts as a uterine tonic.

Ref. (Shivarajan VV and Indira Balachandran, ADPS, 1994, 279)

Woodfordia – fruticosa (Dhataki)

Dried flowers are effective in seminal weakness. The herb overts abortion and helps to cure uterine diseases.

Ref. : (IMM 1295, Sivarajan VV and Indira Balachandran, ADPS, 1994, Bo, wealthy of India Volx, 1976, 587)

Ficus – bengalensis: Infusion of the bark cures vaginal disorders (Sivarajan VV and Indira Balachandran, Ayurvedic Drugs and their plant sources 1994, 333).

Chaste Berry Helps to maintain hormonal levels. It is known to treat the problems of ovulation occurring due to high prolactin levels.

Red Clover – It helps to maintain the Hormonal Level. Helps to increase cervical mucous secretion.

Black Cohosh can be used to treat Infertility.

Maca From ancient times it has been used for its fertility-promoting activity. (  should not be taken during pregnancy and pregnancy. So consult the Doctor before taking)

Dandelion Root  Helps to stimulate mucous membrane secretion.

Liquorice –Root As it acts as a demulcent, helps to promote mucous secretion.

Marshmallow Root  ( Althea officinalis) Helps to soothe mucous membranes.


  • Vitamin C plays an important role in fertility. It acts as an Antioxidant and can be used for both Men and Women. Vitamin C makes the walls of the blood vessels stronger.
  • Vitamin D – Low levels of Vitamin may cause problems in Ovulation.  It is known that Vitamin D helps in the absorption of Calcium. As per the Telegraph Website Calcium, it assists with egg maturation.
  • Vitamin B6 helps to increase the chances of ovulation. This Vitamin is useful to treat the Luteal Phase Defect in the woman who has a problem in ovulation.

As per the website stages in pregnancy----

In my practice, I observed that the chances of ovulation disorders are less in the women who take folic acid.

Natural Home Remedies:

  • Drink plenty of water daily.
  • To improve cervical secretions, eat food rich in Vitamin B. For that, take wheat germ in the diet.
  • Eat sweet potato and Squash
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Take Omega 3 fatty acid.
  • Take Evening primrose oil or Borage Seed Oil.
  • Take Grape Seed Extract one teaspoon twice daily,
  • Take  Orange Juice or Amla Juice.
  • Take the Ashwagandha and Shatavari in equal parts. Take one teaspoon of this twice daily.
  • Eat Dates and Raisins. It is useful to cure sterility up to some extent. But before taking it, check the nutritional value of the Dates.
  • Taking Supari after meals is advisable.
  • Make a powder of the tender leaves of the Banyan Tree. Take this powder one teaspoon with milk once a day.
  • Make a powder of the bark of Banyan Tree. Take this powder and sugar in equal parts. Take this early in the morning once a day.  A couple should take this for about three months.
  • Take a standard diet chart from your Gynecologist.
  • Make a decoction of Jambu leaves. Drink this with honey twice daily.
  • For lack of Libido ( It is one of the causes of primary  Infertility) – Take one cup of lukewarm milk, and add a pinch of saffron and nutmeg in it. Add sugar as per the requirement. Drink this twice daily.
  • Take Shtavari powder and Vidari powder in equal parts. Take this twice daily.

L- Arginine – is an essential Amino Acid. It supports the production of NO, thus helping to promote cervical mucus production.


  • Stop smoking or tobacco taking
  • Chronic anemia, constipation and Leucorrhea may aggravate the problem of Infertility, Hence if you have such a problem, consult the Doctor.
  • Avoid eating Artificial sweeteners, fast food and oily spicy food.

About Position: Consult the Doctor For such Type Of Position.

In sexual acts, females should keep the lower part of the body in a raised position. Keep this raised position for about 15 minutes after completion of the sexual act. So that sperm can get deposited higher up in the genital tract.

Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Product – Phalkalyan Ghrit

Though I have mentioned the quantity of ingredients in some  Natural Home Remedies, it is advisable to take the quantity with the consultation of an Ayurvedic Physician. 

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